Contact us or Place an Order

Call Today! 610.455.0123
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Please select # of Gallons:
Phone #
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Please enter Credit Card Information:
Payment Method (Cash/Check/Money Order/Credit Card)
Credit Card Exp:
Credit Card Sec Code:
Do You have a Coupon/Discount Code
By clicking the "Submit"button you are agreeing to a purchase of heating oil with our company for the price listed on our website at the time of submitting; you will be responsible for all charges associated with this delivery.  Orders will be delivered according to our routes typically within 2 business days after placing the order, with the exception of unforeseen conditions to include weather.  If you are out of oil please call our office at 610-455-0123 to speak directly with a representative to ensure the quickest delivery.
Do NOT use this form if you are under 1/4 tank of fuel. 
Please call the office 610-455-0123
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